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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

WhatsApp delete for everyone bug lets anyone recall their sent messages even after 7 minutes

WhatsApp delete for everyone bug lets anyone recall their sent messages even after 7 minutes

WhatsApp Update soll Benachrichtigungs-Bug in iOS 11 beheben!
WhatsApp's 'Delete for Every One' is no less than a boon for those who often end up sending wrong text to wrong people. The feature was introduced last year by Facebook-owned chat app company to allow users to recall mistakenly sent messages.
The feature allows users to recall messages, both in group or individual chat. However, there is a catch. Messages sent within 7 minutes can only be revoked. This becomes a problem when you want to delete any message after these 7 minutes have passed. WhatsApp has no solution to this problem but a Spanish blog website claims to have.
The blog named Android Jefe has discovered a bug that allows user to delete any message even after the 7 minutes have passed. However, there's again a time limit of 7 days on this. Messages sent within 7 days can only be deleted. Here's how the hack works, as explained by the blog:
-- Switch off the WiFi and mobile data in your phone first.
-- Now go to Apps under Settings.
-- Choose WhatsApp and Force Stop.
-- Now go to Date & Time under Settings.
-- Disable Automatic Date & Time.
-- Change the date and time to the same as that of your Sent message.
-- Now long press the message and go to Delete.
-- Select Delete for Everyone and your message will be deleted.

Also read: Apple released patches to fix Spectre flaws in Safari, macOS, and iOSsafari

Also read:Facebook Bug Could Let Advertisers Get Your Phone Number

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