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Thursday, January 11, 2018

coder programmer
Learning a programming language involves some important decisions on the part of a professional. Gone are the days when one mastered a single popular programming language and it granted job security. Highlighting these limitations of reliance on a single programming language, Coding Dojo coding school has shared the results of an interesting study.

No company uses one programming language for products

The research covered the top 25 Fortune 500 companies and studied their hiring requirements. As expected, it was found that none of the 25 organizations used just one coding language for developing and maintaining their products and services. On an average, the companies relied on four different languages.

These types of trends become even more important to know about the most in-demand programming languages and knowing which one of them is the perfect one to get started for a new learner. You need to analyze your needs and the problem gets solved. While Kotlin and Swift are gaining grounds in mobile app development, machine learning field uses R and Python.

If we talk specifically about this study, the top 5 most popular languages in Fortune 25 are:
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Perl
Here, Java was found to be used by about 90% of the companies. Apple’s job listing suggested that the company demands developers of six programming languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, Perl, Ruby, and PHP. Amazon needs Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, and Swift professionals.

You can find the complete list in the chart embedded below:

Want to master these top programming languages? Here are some hand-picked courses from Fossbytes Academy!

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